Let’s get started
Invite Inessa to Speak
Inessa Freylekhman is a sought-after professional speaker and group facilitator. Her dynamic, lively, and engaging presentations have inspired thousands in the art of BTB Feng Shui and Spiritual Psychology.
The workshops are fun, interactive and educational, and can be tailored by topic (please see list below) for your group size and budget.
If you’re interested in having Inessa speak at your place of business, please request more information here.
Get ready for new possibilities to be awakened within you!
Topics Below
How can we help you?
Feng Shui Topics
Change Your Room, Change Your Life: Feng Shui… The Basics
Learn to harmonize the energy in your home by drawing on the ancient principles of feng shui. You will leave with tools you can immediately apply to improve the energy flow in your home and attract more of what you want in your life.
Learn Feng Shui principles to Release Mental and Emotional Clutter and open to greater abundance joy, intimacy and love. Learn tips to release stuff, people and situations that no longer serve you.
Declutter, Destress, and Get Your Feng Shui On!
Have you ever notice how when your home or workspace feels crazy, you feel crazy? Let’s fix that.. Inessa Freylekhman LMFT is a Feng Shui Expert who will teach us how to make simple changes; clear clutter, create balance and surround yourself with things and thoughts that lift your energy.
If You Don’t Love it or Use it, Then Lose It!
Clutter can drain your energy and send you into overwhelm. You will learn to identify the different types of clutter, and a simple 6 step approach to de-clutter your surroundings.
Feng Shui Tools for Teens
Get rid of clutter, inspire creativity and invite more Chi, the energy that supports your well-being and self esteem!
Get Your Office Feng Shui On!
Create an ideal office for focus, efficiency, increased success and creativity. Feng Shui will revitalize stagnant energies and usher positive flow for your work and prosperity.
Manifesting a Soulful Partnership and Release the Barriers to Love… Starting in the Bedroom using Feng Shui
Are you ready to eliminate unconscious blocks to love?
Feng Shui is the ancient art of aligning your home with your heart’s desire! Your bedroom is the hub of love in your home. It’s either acting as a sanctuary for love or keeping your single status in place!
Create a Sanctuary for Love in the Bedroom (alternate title to above)
Inessa will show you how to design a space that supports your love life, nourishes your soul, and transforms your bedroom into a sanctuary for serenity and sensuality.
Feng Shui Vision Board Party
Are you ready to Fire Up your goals with a Feng Shui Vision Board!
A vision board is a powerful way to visually represent the aspirations and goals you have for your life with images.
Unlocking the Secrets of the Shway: Step into the Feng Shui Matrix and Elevate Your Life!
Learn the deep mysteries of feng shui from Master Feng Shui Facilitator Inessa Freylekhman and create a blueprint in your home for a new reality with increased flow in all areas of your life. You will learn the 3 Secrets to transforming the mundane into the sacred with Feng Shui.
Feng Shui for Buying and Selling Real Estate
Learn practical Feng Shui tips for buying, selling and staging a home.
Space Clearing 101
Your thoughts, feelings and unconscious beliefs get imprinted on the spaces where you spend the most time. Learn an ancient space clearing technique to remove stagnation and negativity in your environment, so your chi can flow again!
What is Your Space Saying About You
What message does your home broadcast about you? What do you want it to reflect? Does it give you energy or do you feel drained. Your Home is a 3D Vision Board. Learn to use it as a living affirmation for the life you want to live!
Personal & Spiritual Development, Enrichment, Meditation
The Mind, Body, Soul Reconnection (Meditation and Talk)
The mind is a like a computer. When there’s a virus in the computer it can’t function properly. The mind stores impressions from all of the events that have occurred in your life both good and bad. Some memories hold a more powerful charge and imprint deeply into the cells of your body interfering with your ability to live fully in the present. If you find yourself repeating old behaviors, recycling the same negative emotions and experiencing the same unwanted results, come and learn how to release your issues from your tissues and restore peace, vitality and wholeness.
Letting Go Of Old Love, Calling In A New Love…. Self Love
Meditation and Presentation.
Your Inner Shway: Release Your Issues
This guided meditation will take you on a journey into your inner home so you can release your blocks issues from your tissues and experience greater balance and bliss, harmony and flow.
Is Your Signal Keeping You Single?
Your thoughts, beliefs and words send a message about you to prospective partners. They are either holding your single status in place and keeping you stuck in dating hell or inviting in the relationship you deserve! Learn how to tweak your signal to attract in the love you desire.
The Future of Love: Happily Ever Now
Calling all Love Junkies! Are you ready to redefine the paradigm for love and be the love that you have been seeking?! Join me for an evening of writing, wisdom and wine where we will rewrite our script for love.Let’s expand our definition together. We will start in love, be the love and open to the unlimited ocean of divine energy called love.
Full Moon Events & Meditations
- Your Inner Shway: This guided meditation will take you on a journey into your inner home so you can release your blocks and experience greater balance and bliss, harmony and flow.
- Radical Self Love Meditation
- Vibing With the True You Meditation
- Self Forgiveness Meditation
- Healing of Memories Meditation
- Inner Child Meditation
Additional Talks
- Clear Your Home, Heart & Mind
- Let Go… Let’s Grow
- 1 Self, 1 Love, Healing Heart Meditation
- Seeding for Miraculous Month
- 5 C’s to Shift your Conscious for the Full Moon

What our clients say
It was a pleasure to have Inessa as guest speaker at the Miami Beach JCC where she spoke about the principles of Feng Shui and Mind, Body, Soul balance. Our members and guest really enjoyed her upbeat, lively and intriguing presentation. She has a way of explaining Feng Shui in terms way that are accessible and easy to apply to your own home and life. We enjoyed her so much that we’ve had her back a few times already!
Karen Sepenswol
Director of Cultural Arts and Adult Programs, Miami Beach JCC