See if any of the statements below ring true for you….
1. From my bed, I can’t see the door.
2. From my bed I’m looking at the door to the toilet
3. From my bed I’m looking straight at the TV, or have the TV exposed most of the time.
4. My bed is too small for anyone else but me and maybe my dog.
5. My bed makes a terrible squeaky noise.
6. My sheets are white and my bedroom is devoid of color.
7. I’m still using the same sheets I slept in with my ex.
8. My bedroom has too much color!
9. I can’t fall asleep!
10. “Make Love”, is that a foreign film, I could rent at Blockbuster Video?
13. I hate the pictures on the wall
14. The walls are bare there is nothing to look at
15. The room feels cold and uninspired
16. The room feels like it’s more about my partners energy than mine
17. I work in my bedroom
18. There are lots of books in the bedroom
19. I workout in the bedroom
20. I study and read and in my bedroom
21. I fall sleep on the coach, and never make it to my bed
22. My nightstand are filled with clutter
23. I still have pictures of my ex boyfriend in my room.
24. One side of my bed is pushed up against the wall
If you answered yes to even ONE of these, then you’re probably like most people and there is something not supporting you in your bedroom.